Known as king of the jungle. When we think of them we think of majestic, big, scary animals. Although they are the second fastest animals in the jungle, they are still considered the Kings.
Lions are scary animals to the others living with them in the wild. When hyenas hear their roar, they stop laughing, when horses hear them they back out in fear, when camels come close their knees start to shake... All of this, why? Because lions are the strongest animals in the Jungle. They go out of their way to defend their pack (3-40)
I want to tell you about a lion who lives in me. He created the Heavens and the Earth. He tells the trees when it is time to change their leaves. He tells the birds when it is time to fly South for the winter. He even tells the flowers when it is warm enough for them to bloom.
This lion wanted to defend his pack so much that He gave himself as a sacrifice so that we might live instead of dying for the mistakes we have committed. This lion did not give up or back out of the fight when he was accused of things He did not do. Instead, he took the blame. The blame for me. It should of been me on that cross. I am imperfect. I make mistakes. I fall. But He did it. He did it because that is what the Lion does for his pack. (Revelations 5:5)
He is not only the King of the Jungle, He is the King of the Universe. He created it all and everything was made to worship Him and Him alone. (Colossians 1:16)
When you let him come into your life He gives you the strength and authority of a Lion. He lives in you. If you allow him to, He takes control of your actions and is able to do so many wonderful things with your life. When you're struggling, His strength takes over and you are able to overcome everything that you weren't able to before. When someone tries to bring you down, he gives you the grace, his majesticness, to be able to walk away and win that person's heart. He gives you the authority to take your family back from the arms of the enemy, and so much more.
He is God. He is the Lion of Judah and the lion in my life. He lives in me.
Let him take complete control over your life. Let him come in and do what He wants with you. I want the lion who lives in me to also live in you.
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