I've wanted to do a piece on this for a while now just because I often find myself wondering if I really believe Christians should have a dress code.
Let's start off by defining what I believe a Christian is. A Christian is not simply someone who believes in Christ, but rather someone that Knows Christ. A Christian has a personal relationship with God and communicates with him on a daily basis through prayer. A Christian also deeply studies the Word of God and looks for a deeper understanding than just the words on the page. A Christian is completely transformed when he/she gives himself/herself to Jesus Christ and accepts him as their one and ONLY true savior.
Transformation. What does this word mean? According to dictionary.com to transform is "to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose."
Not only do we change our hearts when we come to God but our appearance and form should also change. What does that mean exactly? Well, I'll tell you what it doesn't mean first. It doesn't mean that you need to go out and buy a new wardrobe. It also doesn't mean that you have to wear turtle necks every day or that you have to wear a skirt down to your ankles in the middle of summer either.
What it does mean is that God wants us to reflect what is on the inside to those on the outside. If God lives in us, shouldn't we do our best to show that he is a loving, modest God? God wants people to think highly of us and people can not do that if we (women) dress like we just can't wait for someone to take us to bed. And men, God wants you to dress like gentlemen. The gentleman that you weren't before you were transformed. He doesn't want to see you dressing like a criminal or like someone who just woke up and decided to come to church. NO.
Our dress code should be to live as people who love and Serve the Almighty God with all their hearts.
The Word of God commands us to live Holy as He is Holy. Even though God sees our hearts and knows our best intentions, other people do not. And one of the ways we can show others that we really love God is through our clothing. You are a King or Queen. You deserve everyone's respect.
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