Wednesday, October 9, 2013

David's Downfall week...

It's week 7 of my book and things have just taken a turn for the worst.  Here are a few things I've learned:

1.  David's sin with Bathsheba started way before they committed adultery.  It started with David's loneliness which began with his thoughts, which turned to words (sending someone to get her), which led to the action.

2.Things that we can do to keep ourselves in check are:
  • Be careful to fulfill the responsibilities God has given us
  • Deliberately set up a network of accountability partners
  • Avoid lengthy periods of isolation, if possible
  • Be aware of the progressive Nature of Sin
*Psalm 139: 23-24 (Thoughts)
* Psalm 19:14 (Words)
* Psalm 15:1-2 (Deeds)

3.  David resisted many opportunities to repent of his sin and lessen the charges against himself.

4.  David was unmoved by Uriah's integrity. (When Uriah said he had a duty and a responsibility and would not sleep with his wife until that was done.) Yet, David was not moved by his integrity.

5.  David tried to cover his own sin and involved others in his sin.  For this, God was displeased with David.  1 Corinthians 10:11-12

6.  God will forgive the sinner (like he forgave David and didn't sentence him to die) but He will Still Judge the sin.

7.  Even though David knew that his son was going to die, he still pleaded for his life because when the child died he didn't want to feel like he didn't do anything.  David's pleas forced him back to a crucial place of depending on God.

8. David's pleas would satisfy his spirit in the many months of mourning to come and ensured his survival through the tragedy he and his wife would suffer.  David's pleas touched the heart of God to respond and gave him a son named Solomon, Jedidiah.

9.  Psalms 51 is a beautiful beautiful poem by David after Nathan told him the words of God.  Read it slowly and imagine David repenting and asking God for forgiveness acknowledging that only He can cleanse us.

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