Friday, July 19, 2013

Seeking a Heart Like His Week 1

This week I decided to start Beth Moore's biblical study "David: Seeking a Heart Like His"  It is only the second day and I am learning so much.  It starts off by telling the story of how Saul got called to be king because only by knowing the past, can we understand David and how important it was for him to have a Heart like God's.

Here are some of the things I have learned this week:

1.  Jonathan, Saul's son, had a very deep understanding of how powerful God was due to his relationship with God.  He knew that God has the power to do anything, although he might not always exercise that power because it is not convenient in our lives.

2.  Jonathan's armor-bearer was devoted completely to Jonathan and whenever they would go into battle, he would follow behind Jonathan knowing that Jonathan would clear the way for him.  God wants us to follow him although we might not see ahead, but always trusting that He will clear the way for us.

3.  God prefers obedience over sacrifice, and sometimes obedience is the sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22)

4.  When David was chosen for King, he was out tending his sheep.  He was tender with them like God is with his people.  God saw through what man could see, and saw directly to his heart.  No matter what the appearance or skill we have is, God sees potential in each one of us.  Who would've thought? A sheep herder to lead God's people! (1 Samuel 16:13)

5.  Not only was David tender, but David was also strong and courageous..  God is the perfect example of a perfect balance between the two, as was David.  God is an artist who designed our Earth, a man who loves his sheep.  But, He is also a fighter who asks only for us to be his armor-bearers in battle.  We should have a balance of both qualities if we want to serve God. (1 Samuel 16:18)

6. Always take God's word over the opinion of others.  David's brothers didn't like him very much and thought that he couldn't go into battle against Goliath.  They told him he was pretty much a good for nothing.  But David trusted in God's opinion of him over anybody else's.

7.  Measure the size of your problems to the size of your God.  God is so much greater than our problems.  He is a living God.  No matter how hard the obstacle seems to be, remember that He is a living God who has your back!

That's it for Week 1.  What an introduction!

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